Complete and partial dentures for teeth replacement.
We proudly serve patients of Chelsea, Revere, Malden and East Boston.
Complete and partial dentures are great teeth replacement options. If you have older ones or think you may need them, now is a good time. Our custom, state-of-the-art dentures blend with your facial features for the most natural look. Preserve bone structure today with this teeth replacement option.
What are partial and complete dentures?
Two types to consider: partial and complete. Partials, like bridges, replace one tooth or several and are held in place by metal clasps that fit onto remaining natural teeth. Complete dentures are used when all natural teeth are missing. Although they used to be held in place by suction, they can now be held by dental implants. Dental implants work similarly to the natural root. They provide stability and support while maintaining gum and bone structure. Though more invasive at the start, implant-supported dentures function more like real teeth. Eating and talking are more comfortable. They also protect your mouth from unnecessary bone deterioration and the accumulation of germs and plaque that can lead to infection and periodontal disease.
Are they comfortable?
If they fit properly, then yes. Over time, they will need to be readjusted and can take some time to get used to. Eat carefully. Use your side teeth to chew and cut your food into small pieces. It is recommended to avoid sticky and difficult to chew food until you get accustomed. Avoid injury and mouth sores by contacting us if you notice a change in your dentures or damage.
Contact us if you have suffered tooth loss. There are many ways to replace missing teeth. We will review your options and determine the best recommendation. Remember, teeth replacement is not just cosmetics. It maintains your oral health and mouth functionality. Call us at (617) 887-1400 or book an appointment now.