Dental Bonding
Correct your smile with dental bonding, even teeth gaps.
We proudly serve patients of Chelsea, Revere, Malden and East Boston.
Dental Bonding
Correct tooth damage and imperfections like teeth gaps with dental bonding. Discolored teeth and tough stains can also be covered with bonding. Essentially, dental bonding is made of composite resin and matched to your natural teeth color. It is applied and sculpted on the tooth. A curing light hardens the material and a polish secures the work. Some trimming may be needed for shaping to ensure the best look and feel. This simple dental procedure lasts up to 10 years with proper care and usually involves one visit. Correcting a dental imperfection with bonding can be 30 minutes to an hour. The quick process makes this option favorable to many patients. In all, dental bonding can be the solution to many imperfections. A professional dental examination is needed to review the best options for your perfect smile. Contact us today.
Can my teeth be whitened after I have applied bonding?
Dental bonding cannot be lightened after application. Should you be considering teeth whitening, it is recommended to whiten prior to bonding. Contact us for a consultation to review your best options.

How should I care for my teeth after a dental bonding procedure?
Good oral hygiene is usually all you need to maintain the dental bonding application. Brush twice a day and floss at least once a day. Of course, visit us for your routine dental exams and cleanings. Avoid biting on hard material like fingernails, pens, pencils, etc.
How much is the procedure?
It can vary in cost. Each procedure is unique which may include additional work. We will discuss the cost during your consultation.
Start today with a consultation and exam! We want to offer you the best options to accomplish your dental goals. Call (617) 887-1400 or book an appointment online.