Dental Cleaning
Protect your tooth enamel with a routine dental cleaning.
We proudly serve patients of Chelsea, Revere, Malden and East Boston.
A professional dental cleaning protects your smile from harmful issues like weaken tooth enamel. Your dental cleaning includes removal of plaque, tartar, calculus, stains and a thorough teeth brushing. We will use a scaler and small mirror to find and plaque and tartar in your teeth. This includes the gum line and in between teeth. Some patients are more prone to plaque and tartar build up. But, good dental care habits help to reduce and eliminate this issue.
Once your teeth are cleaned from plaque and tartar, an electric brush is used to clean your teeth thoroughly. We will apply a special toothpaste that has a texture for efficient stain removal. Afterwards, a professional flossing and rinse follows. We may apply fluoride, if needed, to protect against tooth decay.
Why is dental cleaning important?
Dental cleaning is important because it helps prevent plaque, tartar, and calculus build up. In all, it is a preventive measure against tooth loss, gingivitis, and periodontal disease. Your breath will also freshen from the removal of plaque and tartar. Expect a brighter smile, too. The thorough teeth brushing removes surface stains caused by staining food and drinks like coffee and wine.

What if I have dentures?
We will examine your mouth for oral issues. And, if needed, adjust and clean your dentures.
Will I need fluoride?
A fluoride treatment will be determined during your visit. Everyone’s situation is different and the best treatments for your needs will be recommended.
Will a dental cleaning remove stains?
Depending on the stain, it can be removed. Some stains need other procedures like teeth whitening to correct. However, your dental exam and cleaning appointments will determine the best choice.
After my dental cleaning, how do I maintain my smile?
Brushing and flossing at least 2 times a day is essential for a healthy mouth. If you can brush in between meals, you will notice better results. Lingering food cause damage. The sooner you remove it, the better. Avoid food and drinks that stain. Speak to us about professional teeth whitening. It may be an option to help achieve the best results for an excellent smile.
Speak to our dentist about dental cleaning today! Call (617) 887-1400 or book an appointment online.